Almost 5 years ago, I had just graduated from graduate school. Emotionally charged, balling my eyes out that I had just broke through all the chains that held my family back for generations of poverty, oppression, and war.
I felt as if I was standing up on top of a mountain cliff looking down. The ancestors shinning on me with pride--carrying the honor of the family name. No royal lines, but I felt like a King. I had made a promise to my grandmother before she passed and now I had positioned myself to do just that.
During these times where our community is being attacked for never having done enough for a society we didn't build, but had our resources taken from to fund, yet never had a say in.
To society in every direction we turn to, it feels as if we will never be enough, but it is in ourselves we must see--we have been there the whole time, just invisible to everyone else. WE ARE ENOUGH. No longer shall we adhere to everyone else's demands because when we demand equality, we're just get shut up, laughed at, and told how to behave with rolling eyes. No.
No, we are not your dolls. No, we did not ride on your backs and we are no longer your model minorities. Hear our stories.